If you had to blame someone or something for the outcasts' deaths, who/what would you blame, and why?
-Uncle Billy
-Citizens or Poker Flat
-Bad luck
If i had to blame someone for the deaths of the outcasts' I would blame the citizens of Poker Flat. I mean they judged the outcasts by what they were, they didn't really take the time to get to know who they actually were. When the outcasts were left for dead during the snow storm their true colors came out, and we really got to see how sweet and sincere they were. If the citizens of Poker Flat never kicked them out, they would have never been in that situation. They judged them by what they were and not who they were. I think the outcasts shouldn't of been outcasts. They should have been citizens of Poker Flat. Even though Uncle Billy escaped with the horses, I dont believe it was his fault, because they all could have tried to make it back to Poker Flat in time. So I blame all the deaths on the citizens of Poker Flat!
good job! :] i agree with you.