Friday, April 17, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapters 8- the end

Explain what this story says about each of these issues. Use examples from the story to support your explanations.
1.Family 2.Age 3.Beauty
In Benjamin Button several issues are expressed, one of them is Family. In this story Benjamin was born an old man, a really old man. His father neglected him from the start, this is showing that family is only there for you when your good enough. Since Benjamin wasn't born normal Roger made it seem like he was not good enough to be in the Button family. I think that Roger felt like he was too good for Benjamin therefore he could not take him in as his son.
This story makes age out to be so important. Its like if your old your old and boring. If your young, then your young and have to do everything that young people do. When Benjamin got into the army again they said that he was to young to join. They didnt believe that Benjamin was the colonel that once served in the army, so they wouldnt let him fight. This shows that people back then in the story judged people on how old they were. Meaning if you were old you cant do nothing that young people can do.
Roger and Roscoe made Benjamin feel ugly and weird because of the way that he was born. When he was a baby that was an old man Roger Button didnt love his son until he started acting like a kid. When Benjamin was a young old man Rosoce his very own son told him to act like an old man. No matter how Benjamin acted he was never accepted from anyone. No one should have to go through was Benjamin had to put up with.